It was all

a dream.

It all began when I cut out dairy 10 years ago - it changed my life.

As a teenager I’d suddenly been struck with numerous health problems - I sought medical help and got no answers. My mum - who was into nutrition - eventually suggested that the root of the problem might be dairy. I was gutted (but my gut was about to be set free). I cut it out in desperation to find the root of my health issues and my life completely changed. Within a few months my health issues went away.

Not long after, I discovered a side of animal farming I knew nothing about, I learned how our food system directly affects our environment, and having already seen how food affects health through my own journey, I suddenly went vegan overnight.

Since then, my mission was to bring bold, fun, nostalgic and exciting vegan recipes to as many people as I could in the hopes of vegetables getting a new rep. 10 years later and I think it has!

Starting on Youtube to writing two cook books, cooking on TV, running food trucks and cooking in schools the mission continues!

Born and raised in London with St. Lucian, Sierra Leone and Welsh roots.

Rachel’s love of food from her own heritage and that of around the world has always been her biggest inspiration.